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Showing posts from April, 2014

Generating preview for pdf and images using Carrierwave in Rails

This blog post will cover how to generate the preview of pdf files using Carrierwave gem. Carrierwave gem has an inbuilt " manipulate! " method which reads the file and loops over every page.  This " manipulate! " method works as expected for a pdf having 300-400 pages but when I uploaded a pdf having 1000+ pages my machine crashed!!! That is when I started debugging the code and found out that there is an issue with the manipulate method. Here is my original code. class MyUploader < CarrierWave :: Uploader :: Base include CarrierWave :: RMagick def cover manipulate ! do | frame , index | frame if index . zero ? # take only the first page of the file end end version : preview do process : cover process : resize_to_fit => [ 310 , 438 ] process : convert => : jpg def full_filename ( for_file = model . source . file ) super . chomp ( File . extname ( super )) + '.jpg...